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Abbotsford In-Person Activities are Delayed not Cancelled


By: Pat Goyeche

Abbotsford House (Seniors Active Living Community Centre, the old stone house across from Lansdowne Park) remains open during this current wave of COVID, but things are not as they were in December.

Many of our in-person activities have been postponed until we can open up safely again in person.  At this time, our Day Programing for those enrolled in either Luncheon Club or Day Away has shifted to virtual programming.

Some clubs are in house and the Tuesday foot care appointments continue as usual for those members who show proof of vaccination.

Looking for Donations

We are currently open to and accepting donations of books, elegant treasures, jewelry, women’s clothing, art, and flea market items from the community.  Please drop by with your donated goods. We appreciate your contributions.  As a not for profit that is not fully-funded, we need to fundraise in order to keep our seniors programing and services vital and engaging.  Your contributions are also good for the environment, as we recycle, re-use, and help keep Abbotsford’s Active Living Centre ‘open and inviting’ for seniors in Ottawa; all at the same time!

In-Person and Virtual Programs

We are looking forward to starting up our Aerobics and Line Dancing classes in the spacious Horticultural Building at Lansdowne Park as soon as it feasible to do so.   This setting is ideal, as it is a very large venue with high ceilings and lots of space to keep fit and/or dance away your winter blues.  Keep abreast of any changes to our plans or schedule by accessing our website under Abbotsford Programs and Services and ‘What’s Up at Abbotsford’ for the most up-to-date information or by calling us at 613-230-5730.

Much of our programing, which includes Art, Fitness, Dance, Memoir, Book Club, Device Training, Yoga and Language classes, is continuing to be offered on line via Zoom.  We have different levels of fitness classes for different levels of ability.  Everyone can find the right level with our highly qualified and friendly older adult instructors.  If you are wondering what level is best for you, please contact us and we will help you find the right fit to keep you fit!  It is never too late to join in.

One of initiatives in these COVID times is the loan of individual tablets to our members so that they can connect virtually.  At this time our Day Programing has moved to virtual programming either over Zoom or Mercuri teleconferencing.  Members are encouraged to contact us and we will help connect you.

All of our programs are open to our members.  Membership costs $50 per person annually, beginning in January and running for the calendar year.  You must be 55 + to

join in!    You can join a class without a membership but you would pay an additional $25 for each class.  Your $50 membership fee gives you access to services, information and camaraderie.  If there is one thing we have learned in this pandemic, it is the importance of community and connection.  Helping to create and maintain community for our membership has been a key to combatting social isolation for many of our members.

Snow Go

 ‘Snow Go’ refers seniors and adults with disabilities to snow removal contractors who have passed a screening test, are properly registered and insured.

The Snow Go Assist program is for people over 60 years old or those with disabilities who are defined as low income. The program will reimburse up to $250 of the cost of their snow removal for the season.

Low income is defined by the city as a single person who lives on $31,500 a year or $39,200 for a household of two or more.  Contact us if this would be helpful.

Abbotsford is your community support centre for Adults 55+.  We are the community programs of The Glebe Centre Inc., a charitable, not-for-profit, organization which includes a 254 bed long-term care home.  Find out more about our services by dropping by 950 Bank Street (the old stone house) Mon- Fri 8:30 am-4:30 pm, telephoning 613-230-5730 or by checking out all of The Glebe Centre facilities and community programs on our website