Long Term Care

Long Term Care


Applications to any long-term care home in Ontario, including the Glebe Centre, must be coordinated through a Community Care Access Centre (CCAC).

When the time comes to consider long-term care, contacting the local CCAC is your first step. The CCAC will assist you with your application to a long-term care home and can also provide you with information about alternatives to long-term care. Such alternatives could include supportive/assistive housing, in-home support services, retirement homes and senior’s apartments. CCAC can also provide information on out of province transfers / admissions.

CCAC will give you information on long-term care homes in your area, financial assistance that may be available to you and advice on how to choose a home. If you are eligible for CCAC services, you will be assigned a Care Coordinator who will help determine your needs. If it is determined that you are eligible for long-term care, your Care Coordinator will guide you through the application process.

To contact the Champlain CCAC, call (613) 745-5525 or visit their website: www.ccac-ont.ca.


Tours of the Glebe Centre are offered weekly. Please contact our Receptionist (613) 238-2727 ext. 301 to receive information on tour days and times. Reservations for tours are required, as space is limited.

To download a copy of the Glebe Centre’s Tour Package, please, click the button below.


Accommodation Fees

The cost of accommodation in a long-term care home includes the Resident’s portion and the government’s portion. The Resident pays accommodation charges and the provincial government covers the cost of nursing care and other services. The Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care sets basic accommodation and maximum preferred accommodation rates. The amount paid by Residents for their accommodation is called a “co-payment”.

If a Resident cannot afford the basic accommodation rate, the Resident or a representative may apply for a rate reduction through the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care.
(Effective July 1, 2015)

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Chinese Unit

The Residence Building 6th floor is a special Cognitive Unit in that it is reserved for Chinese speaking residents.

When this building was being designed, a decision was made, in consultation with the local Chinese Community, and with the approval of the Ministry of Health, that we would create a Resident Home Area (unit) dedicated to Chinese Residents. Several ethnic features have been incorporated in the design and operation of the unit:

  • A wok was installed so that our Chinese cook can prepare meals on the unit
  • The decor is appropriate to the Chinese culture
  • Most staff speak either Cantonese or Mandarin
  • The monthly menu is available in Chinese

Enormous support from the Chinese Community has been instrumental in making this dream a reality and a success, and they continue to support the residents. A special Donor Wall is at the entrance to the unit to honour the dedication of this community. (photo of the donor wall) The Chinese Program Facilitator provides appropriate activities, including Mahjong, and presents a Calendar of Events in Chinese.

There is a separate waiting list for access to this unit.