Residents’ Council

The Glebe Centre Residents’ Council meets monthly to raise and discuss concerns and to make suggestions related to Resident life at the Glebe Centre. The Staff Assistant ensures that concerns are brought to the attention of Management. Meeting minutes with responses to any concerns are posted on each Resident Care Area after each meeting. The Executive Director attends each meeting by invitation and provides a monthly report.

All Residents are invited and encouraged to attend Residents’ Council meetings. Meeting dates and times are posted on the Resident Unit Area’s activity calendar. For more information, please contact the Staff Assistant at 613 – 238 – 2727, ext. 497. Please note that family members may not attend Residents’ Council meetings, but are encouraged to explore the Glebe Centre’s Family Council (see below).

The Glebe Centre Residents’ Council is a member of the Ontario Association of Residents’ Councils (OARC). Visit for more information about the OARC.


Family Council

The Glebe Centre Family Council was formed in the spring of 2007 with several goals:

  • To provide mutual support to family members and friends of all Residents.
  • To provide liaison between family members and the Centre’s administration
  • To advocate on behalf of Residents and to share ideas to enhance their quality of life.

The Family Council meets the third Wednesday of every month at 4:00 p.m. to discuss issues and questions relating to any and all aspects of Residents’ care and comfort and to pursue issues of concern with the Centre’s administration. A member of the Glebe Centre administration is invited to attend each meeting. The Director of Resident Services acts as the Council’s facility liaison. Any family member or friend of a Resident may attend Family Council meetings.

Contact information, as well as other announcements are available on the Family Council bulletin board located in the main lobby of the Glebe Centre.