Resident Care and Services

Care Philosophy

The lifestyle at the Glebe Centre has been planned to allow the Resident as much individuality, independence, and choice as possible while providing any assistance that the person may require.  We strive to maximize each Resident’s abilities and choices by focusing on their strengths and abilities, all reflected in their individualized plan of care.

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Nursing Services

Nursing Staff at the Glebe Centre provide 24-hour clinical and support care for every Resident. Nursing caregivers are Registered Nurses (RNs), Registered Practical Nurses (RPNs), and Unregulated Care Providers (most commonly Personal Support Workers). Registered staff is responsible for the direction and supervision of all care on the unit and a Registered Nurse is present in the facility 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

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Medical Services

Each Resident is assigned an attending physician upon admission. Physicians visit the Glebe Centre on a weekly basis. Each Resident is visited by his or her physician a minimum of every 3 months and a physician is on-call 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

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Psycho-Geriatric Outreach

Glebe Centre Residents over the age of 65 are eligible to be referred to a geriatric psychiatrist from the Royal Ottawa Mental Health Centre.

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Pharmacy Services

The unit nurse administers all medications as ordered by the physician. All medications are ordered from MediSystem Pharmacy are delivered directly to the Glebe Centre.

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Each Resident is assessed upon admission in order to determine eligibility for physiotherapy services. If deemed eligible, a physiotherapy program is designed for the Resident which could include a walking program, specific exercises, and/or other treatments. Physiotherapy services are provided on-site through the contracted services of Family Physiotherapy Centre. Also private supplementary physiotherapy services may be requested by a Resident or their representative at their own expense.

Social Services

The Glebe Centre’s Social Services team is comprised of two registered social workers. The Social Services team offers information and support to prospective Residents and their families and facilitates admissions to the Glebe Centre. Social Services staff is part of the interdisciplinary care team and are referred to Residents and families who may be in need of additional supports or referral to community resources. Residents and families may request assistance from the Social Services Department by speaking with the unit nurse who will complete a referral.

Food Services

Upon admission, the Dietitian and Food Service Supervisor will perform a complete nutritional assessment on each Resident. This assessment will be repeated every three months or more often if required due to a Resident’s health needs.

The menu is on a rotating four week cycle that is refreshed once per year. Two choices are available at every meal and a hot meal is always an option. Light snacks are provided twice per day between meals.

Download the 4 Week Menu

If special consideration is required in place of the regular daily meals, the Dietitian or attending physician may recommend that a Resident receive a therapeutic diet, modified textures, and/or additional supplements. These accommodations follow the main menu as closely as possible. All menus are analyzed by the Dietitian to ensure they meet the Resident’s nutritional needs according to Canada’s Food Guide to Healthy Eating.

Residents enjoy meals in a common dining room on their unit and seating assignments encourage opportunities for Residents to socialize during meals. Residents are always welcome to have guests join them for meals at a cost of $8.00 per meal.

Resident Services

The Resident Services Department oversees a wide variety of Resident focused programs such as Therapeutic Recreation and activities including art and music programs, Spiritual Care and Services, Admissions, Social Services, Physiotherapy and Volunteer Services. See Resident Programs page.

Housekeeping and Laundry Services

Resident rooms are cleaned daily by housekeeping staff and laundry is done on site and delivered back to the Resident’s room within 72 hours. Resident clothing and other individual items will be labelled upon admission to ensure that all personal articles are returned to the correct person.

Hair Salon & Barber Services

A Resident Hair Salon and Barber Services are located in the main lobby.  Residents and/or their representatives may book regular or as needed appointments directly with the Hairdresser.

For a look at all activities click here