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Winter Wonderland

Snow Moles meet at Abbotsford House and report to Councilor Shawn Menard

Winter Wonderland

By Pat Goyeche

Snow & Snow Moles

Such a snowy winter to date with accumulations in January alone surpassing most of our expectations!  There are many benefits of snow, brightening the landscape, softening city noises, snowshoeing and skiing but…it can be a hazard as well.

With the snow comes slippery, unploughed sidewalks and dangerous conditions for walking.  Out come the ‘Snow Moles’ lead by The Council on Aging, auditing the people pathways and pointing out the problems.

Councillor Shawn Menard joined a group of intrepid ‘senior’ auditors this year to see for himself the barriers many seniors face daily in their day-to-day activities.  Unplowed crosswalks, bus stops with mounds of snow between the sidewalk and the door of the bus and slippery pathways make for dangerous conditions for everyone but these can be insurmountable for seniors.

Thank you to the snow moles for dropping by Abbotsford for a warm drink and cheer on their quest to audit the conditions in early February.  Your trepidation will help ensure the City is aware of the dangers and will now target known areas that pose particular barriers to seniors in our City.


The Executive Director of the Glebe Centre, Lawrence Grant retired late in January after 15 years of service.  The Glebe Centre long-term care home held a party for him to celebrate his accomplishments and wish him well. 

The search is now on for a new Executive Director who too, will oversee both the long-term care home at the Glebe Centre and Community Programs and Services through Abbotsford Seniors Centre.  Susan Zorz, the Director of Operations for the Glebe Centre will ‘keep the ship on course’ as Acting Director in the interim.

Spring Programming through Abbotsford

Spring weather brings new programing through Abbotsford Seniors Centre.  As the snow, slowly melts and we seek out crocuses and snowdrops we can renew plans to join in the varied activities offered through Abbotsford. 

The spring guide will be in circulation by mid-March, make sure you check out all that is on offer by looking at the website:  Abbotsford Programs & Services and Current Guide.

The spring Learn & Explore ‘Speaker’s Series’ will have a special three part series on seniors housing in late May in conjunction with volunteers with SWOOS (Seniors Watch Old Ottawa South) who are interested in exploring the Abbyfield model of housing.  Dates and topics will be available in the spring guide, which can be seen on-line or picked up in person at Abbotsford house by mid-March.