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Getting Ready to Embrace 2019

By Pat Goyeche

The New Year is a time of renewal.  It is the time of year when we resolve to do better, achieve our goals, and freshen-up our ‘to do’ list. 

At Abbotsford (your community centre for Adults 55 +) it is definitely a time of renewal. e It is the time to renew your yearly membership and recommit to your personal goals and community goals. 

This is a time of year when the staff, volunteers and members of Abbotsford come together to celebrate the New Year and each other.  Please join us for a celebration of all that is good at Abbotsford on Friday January 4th, with music by Colores Andinos.  Be prepared to enjoy the Latin American beat, some treats and good company.  Everyone is welcome to attend and ring in the New Year with us. Just give us a call so that we know how many to plan for.

Fitness is flourishing at Abbotsford this winter as we all struggle to keep our level of activity high even when challenged by weather conditions.  We have something for everyone.  Dance to a Latin beat in one of our Zumba classes, move to Music from Around the World, Belly Dance with us and/or challenge your core muscles with Stretch and Balance, Yoga, Joint and Mobility classes or the always-popular weekly Muscle Toning workouts.

Challenge your brain with classes in intermediate Bridge, Apple devices, Conversational Spanish, Classical Music Appreciation and Memoir Writing (advanced), as well as weekly stimulating presentations as part of our Learn & Explore ‘Speakers Series’.

Clubs keep us singing, talking about books, playing pool, crafting, practicing Tai Chi, making Teddy Bears, playing Ping Pong and even getting together with others who are facing the challenges of being a caregiver. 

The winter months are also prime time for warm kitchens, cooking delicious food and sharing it with others.  Check out our cooking workshops and weekly dining club.

Renew your goals, stretch your comfort zone and join in an activity of interest or two this winter at Abbotsford… ‘one of the best kept secrets of Ottawa’!  Shhh…

Abbotsford is your community support centre for Adults 55+.  We are the community programs of The Glebe Centre Inc., a charitable, not-for-profit, organization which includes a 254 bed long term care home.  Find out more about our services by dropping by 950 Bank Street (the old stone house) Mon- Fri 9-4 pm, telephoning 613-230-5730 or by checking out all of The Glebe Centre facilities and community programs on our website

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